解决:All matches were filtered out by modular filtering for argument: mysql-community-server
前言:在Centos8中安装mysql8.0报错:All matches were filtered out by modular filtering for argument: mysql-community-server Error: Unable to find a match: mysql-com
前言:在Centos8中安装mysql8.0报错:All matches were filtered out by modular filtering for argument: mysql-community-server Error: Unable to find a match: mysql-com
Mysql 2023-10-23 1345 0 Linuxmysqlmysql8mysql安装数据库数据库安装mysql8.0mysql8安装
# mysql数据库安装,提供mysql5.5和mysql5.6
# by sun
# 安装支持
yum -y install perl perl-devel
# 创建mysql数据库运行用户